Biography:Aubree Valentine was born on April 19, 1998, in a small city called Hurricane in Utah. This brunette with long wavy hair, charming hazel eyes and seducing smile will leave you without breath. She has an average height and her body is fit. Her gorgeous tits have a size of 34B. Her firm ass is a dream of every men and women. She has two tattoos: inside of left ankle and on the left inner bicep. Aubree grew up in her home town with her mother and sisters. She admitted that she was introverted in high school, but with a good reason. Her peers didn't like her and they bullied her. She moved to Las Vegas when she was 18. Audree was working at Omelet House as a waitress. Only she knows how she came to an idea to try nude modeling.Aubree is an intelligent, smart and well-spoken young lady who started first to work as a webcam model. That was in the first half of 2017 when she was 18 years old. Not so long after that, she made her Snapchat profile where she was creating her own content. She said that web-camming helped her to achieve better self-confidence. Today, Aubree is one of the highest earning models. She has endless enthusiasm and the ocean of fresh ideas that attracting people from the whole world. Aubree started her professional porn career in the middle of 2019 and instantly turned the attention of the porn industry on herself. So far, she made at least 12 scenes. Those are mostly hardcore scenes, and she filmed lesbian one. Her talent, open-minded sexuality and a refined sense of acting are dominating in all her scenes. In her lesbian scene you will notice her great acting skills and how passionate she is. She made that scene with Jane Wilde.Aubree ValentineAubree also worked with famous Reagan Foxx in threesome scene where also appeared male talent Lucas Frost. When it comes to hardcore, her naughty side comes to light. She has great cock-sucking skills. She knows how to do it and they look great visually, especially her luscious lips. She is a swallower and knows to put a cock so deep in her throat. Aubree is pretty flexible and knows the possibilities of her body. Her favorite sex position is reverse cowgirl. She filmed her first scene with J-Mac. Aubree also worked with famous porn actors such are: Alex Legend, Charles Dera, Peter Green, Ricky Johnson, Scott Nails etc. So far, she exclusively worked for Reality Kings and Mofos. She said that she definitely wants to stay in the industry as far as she can. She has the will to help other girls and couples that want to work in the world of webcamming, especially what they shouldn't do just to stay safe and protected from fraudsters.
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